Physical Education + Health
Unique and Essential Learning
Forest Street Primary School recognizes that Health and Physical Education (HPE) is a unique and essential learning area focused on educative purposes. At Forest Street, we believe that the purpose of HPE is to provide ongoing, developmentally appropriate and explicit learning about health and movement.
We follow the Victorian Curriculum priorities that provide opportunities for students to:
Acquire the knowledge, skills and dispositions to advocate for and positively
Influence their own and others health and wellbeing; and
Acquire movement skills, concepts and strategies to confidently, competently and creatively participate in a range of physical activities.
"Health and Physical Education is an entitlement for all young people in Australian schools – The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation."
Forest Street subscribes to a strengths-based approach in Health and Physical Education, wherein teachers take account of the range of their students’ current levels of learning, abilities, strengths, goals and interests, and accommodate diversity by providing flexible groupings, multiple means of demonstrating knowledge and skills, and ongoing assessment.