Camps & Excursions
Throughout their time at Forest Street Primary, students will have countless opportunities to participate in camps and excursions.
All excursions are related to, and build on, the learning that is happening in the classroom.
Camps are a great way for students to build independence and learn valuable skills that cannot be taught in a classroom setting.
Students will visit Sovereign Hill to participate in an 1850’s goldfields school.
They will visit Earth Ed and Ecolinc to take part in science learning and investigating.
Children will go on excursions to places of interest in Melbourne as well as all over Ballarat.
Forest Street firmly believes in the value of camps. Children and teachers all love attending the camps. Students always come back from camps having grown as individuals and with many new friendships. As valuable as learning at school can be, some things cannot be learned in a classroom – this is the reason for school camps.
For more information regarding specific upcoming camps and excursions, such as permission notes and forms, please visit our events page.