Vision & Values

At Forest Street Primary School students are supported in achieving continuous academic success, having a voice in what they learn and how they go about learning while reaching their individual goals. The school provides inclusive and challenging experiences with a focus on learning in a safe and supportive environment. The schools endeavors to encourage students to become motivated and creative lifelong learners who develop relationships and a capacity to work both independently and in collaboration with others.


Students are at the centre of everything we do at Forest Street Primary School.  Our staff have high expectations for all.  We believe every child can learn to high levels given sufficient time and support. Our aim is to empower students to become active, independent and responsible life-long learners.

Individual Learning Goals

Every student at F.S.P.S. is actively encouraged to work with their teacher to develop individual learning goals.  We value all of our students’ diverse backgrounds, interests and opinions and encourage every child to take responsibility for their learning.  Our students continually refer to, work toward, prove and reflect on their unique learning goals throughout the term to develop deep knowledge and actively drive their own learning forward.

Our aim is to empower students to become active, independent and responsible life-long learners.


Using the Victorian Curriculum as a guide, our teachers work in teams to plan authentic learning experiences across the curriculum, based on student data and individual needs. At F.S.P.S., teachers strive to enable students to develop skills, knowledge, creativity and critical thinking by presenting learning experiences that are challenging, engaging, fun and related to real life.

Teaching and Learning

At F.S.P.S., we value consistency across the school.  Each week, we are committed to providing ten hours of Literacy  (five hours of reading, five hours of writing)  and five hours of Numeracy using explicit, targeted instruction and high impact teaching strategies in each and every classroom.  Learning is made visible in every classroom where the learning intention and success criteria for each lesson are recorded in The Big Book of Learning and constantly revisited, reflected on and referred back to.

Professional Learning Communities

As a professional learning community, our staff are supported to ensure all students reach their full potential.  Staff participate in collegial, up to date, evidence based professional learning opportunities based on data and the needs of our students across the curriculum.


F.S.P.S. provides intervention programs to meet the needs of students who may need additional time and support to reach their full potential.  In addition to this, our school places emphasis on extension opportunities to continue to challenge and inspire students to achieve more than they ever thought possible.

As a professional learning community, our staff are supported to ensure all students reach their full potential.

Specialist Subjects

We believe in nurturing the skills and interests of the whole child.  At FSPS we are committed to providing specialist subjects such as Visual Arts, Media, Music, Dance and Drama, Chinese and Physical Education.

Recess Activities

We value our students’ ideas and work hard to provide opportunities at recess.  Students are able to have input into additional activities provided, such as Lego Club, Box Construction, Craft, Library Time and Mindfulness.  These activities change throughout the year based on student voice.


Forest Street Primary School is committed to student wellbeing.  We provide a Power Hour every week in each classroom to enable students to develop resilience, emotional intelligence and leadership skills.